

Who we are

<strong>NILE GIRLS FORUM </strong>is a girl-led organization focusing on elevating resilient girls and young women with an emphasis on equitable leadership, age-appropriate SRHR, and livelihood. Through our programs, we facilitate the development of aspirations, of self-worth, and of achievement of girls and women from the grass roots to competent leaders.</p>
<p><strong>Our History</strong></p>
<p>NGF was founded by Pimer Peace Monica and registered as a legal entity in February 2018 by the registrar of companies limited by guarantee and the National NGO Bureau registration number <strong>INDR13714727NB</strong>.  It has attained vast experience in mobilisation of stakeholders to scale up the delivery of quality gender equality services at grassroots levels and advocating for the needs and rights of adolescent girls and young women since 2018.</p>
<p>Over the past three years, we have built strong position in engaging duty bearers and SRHR sector actors at national, sub national and community levels to influence policy and social environment to favor access to SRHR information and services.

Why we pursue our mission?

Adolescents aged 10 to 19 years constitute a significant part of the population with 15-19 years constituting 34.2% while children less than 15 years contribute to 50% of Uganda’s population.  Adolescents face challenges related to growth and development and those related to their environment, the social determinants of health under education, social-cultural, and economic well-being and lifestyle. The lack of sexuality education leads to SRHR related issues based on our needs assessment.</p>

Our Structure

Nile Girls Forum is governed by its constitution and has functional structures including general assembly, board of directors, technical teams, and volunteers.</p>
<p>The Membership of the Board of Directors is not less than (5) and doesn’t exceed (7) Seven, these include three professionals in the private sector and NGO sector, two representatives of young people, and the board secretary.
Our Vision

Our Vision

An empowered, transformed, and productive girl.
Our Mission

Our Mission

To create solutions and platforms that groom vulnerable girls to realise their life potential

Our Values

<p class=”section-title”>Our programs focus on girls.</p>

We grant equal, fair and impartial opportunities to thrive.

We work together with like-minded organizations towards our common purpose and shared goals.

We work together effectively and efficiently to achieve our goal.

We are authentic and open in our communications, and our activities are open to public scrutiny.

Partner With us Today

To create solutions and platforms that groom vulnerable girls to realize their life potential.